Tagquick fix

Monkey Puzzle Bread Quick Fix

Quick Fix: Monkey Puzzle Bread – TKC 56

Monkey Puzzle Bread For this quick fix I’m bringing you a simple but incredibly delicious monkey puzzle bread to make the next time you want to be a superstar to your kids. Or adult friends. Or really anyone. Yeah it’s good enough to...

Broiled Asparagus

Quick Fix: Easy Asparagus – TKC 53

Easy Asparagus How many times do you find yourself figuring out what you are going to make for dinner and struggling with the vegetable component? For many non-vegetarians, working with vegetables is a one-way ticket to rutsville; always falling...

Ultimate Wontons

Quick Fix: Ultimate Wontons – TKC 50

For today’s Quick Fix episode I’m going to share one of the secrets of the universe with you. With great knowledge comes great responsibility, so use this new-found power wisely. Today I share with you one of the greatest, but least...

Roasted Tomato Soup and Croutons

Quick Fix: Roasted Tomato Soup – TKC 48

There comes a time in every home cook’s life when they choose to move beyond a traditional (and usually boxed or canned) preparation of an all-time favorite in order to develop their own scratch-made take on the dish. For some it’s boxed...

Quick Fix: Homemade Whipped Cream – TKC 46

Quick Fix: Homemade Whipped Cream – TKC 46

For today’s Quick Fix episode I want to talk about a ridiculously easy method for making homemade whipped cream that will blow away anything you can find in the store in a tube, tub, or can. This will go great with all your holiday baking...
